
We promote research and develop comprehensive health solutions in the fields of infant and maternal nutrition and care.

latest research topics

We promote research

As a hub for scientific cooperation, BINC Geneva funds research and fosters collaborations and exchanges to increase our understanding and promote innovation in the field of infant and maternal health solutions.

Through our research partnership programme, we foster collaborative research in our 4 areas of expertise : mother and child health, biotics and microbiome health, brain development, immunity and allergy.

Latest Research Topics

Brain Development

Prof. Sylvie Rabot

Experts Interviews - The effect of microbiota on mood and behaviour

Biotics & Microbiome Health

Webinar - The role of Osteopontin in Infant Health

Prof. Bo Lönnerdal

Science Animation - Osteopontin (OPN)

Mother & Child Health & Nutrition

Experts Interviews - Bioactive proteins in human milk : benefits of OPN (Osteopontin)

Prof. Bo Lonnerdal

Biotics & Microbiome Health

Pitch your research - HMOBiotic

Dr. Clodagh Walsh

Biotics & Microbiome Health

Webinar - Human milk oligosaccharides : the frontier of infant nutrition

Prof. Ardythe Morrow

Science Animation - Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO)

our Funded Projects

Our researchpartnership programme aims to provide financial support for innovative pre-clinical and clinical research in one of our 4 areas of expertise. The BINC foundation funds each year up to 5 research projects.

Grants to
promote research

Our research partnership programme aims to provide financial support for innovative pre-clinical and clinical research projects conducted in one of our 4 areas of expertise.

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