Biotics &

Gut microbiota plays a crucial role in different functions in the body. These discoveries have opened exciting perspectives in the prevention and treatment of numerous health conditions.

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The impact of Biotics for Microbiome Health

The discovery of the impact of human intestinal microbiota on health and well-being is constantly evolving. The collective genome of the intestinal microbiota, termed microbiome, is estimated to contain at least 100 times more genes than our own genome (Qin et al., 2010).

Certain microbiota components can have beneficial effects, therefore modulating the microbiome towards a healthier composition has received more and more scientific interests, especially in the early-life period where the microbiota is progressively established, which leaves more rooms for modulation. Strategies of antenatal and early-life intestinal microbiome modulation are the most effective approaches to promote a resilient, diverse, and healthy microbiota, which has the greatest long-term potential to benefit health (the programming effect).

Probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics, and more recently postbiotics – all these “biotics” have the potential to modulate the intestinal microbiome but acting differently. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the WHO (FAO/WHO) defines probiotic as “live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host” (Hills et al., 2014). Several probiotic strains have been identified, tested safe for use in infants and conferring health benefits in diverse areas. More research is needed to uncover new probiotic strains and/or on new health benefits.

Experts Interviews on biotics & microbiome health

The Influence of HMO-enriched Infant Formulae by Dr. Clodagh Walsh

Dr. Clodagh Walsh

Biotics & Microbiome Health

experts publications on biotics & microbiome health

Webinars on biotics & microbiome Health

ESPGHAN 2024 - BINC Symposium : Focus on Lactopontin

Prof Esben Sørensen I Prof. Cai Wei

Biotics & Microbiome Health

Funded projects on biotics & microbiome health

science animations

Science Animation - Osteopontin (OPN)

Science Animation - Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO)

Science Animation - Synbiotics and Infant Health

Scientific Animations - MFGM: Milk Fat Globule Membrane

Science Animation - Fatty Acids in the SN2 Position

Science animation - Lactoferrin

4 areas of expertise

Stay at the forefront of healthcare innovation and best practices, empowering yourself with the latest research and insights in our four  areas  of expertise : mother and child health, biotics and microbiome health, immunity and allergy and brain development.

Resources Information for parents

Raising awareness of maternal and infant health to parents is an important duty of health care professionals. We created the parents corner to provide you with insightful resources to help you in your mission.

parents corner