BINC China 7th annual Biostime Institute for Nutrition and Care (BINC) symposium in Kunming, China

BINC China 7th annual Symposium

On the 1st and 2nd of July 2023, BINC China held the 7th annual Biostime Institute for Nutrition and Care (BINC) symposium in Kunming, China. BINC China is a non- profit organisation focusing on advancing scientific research with experts, institutions and academic societies, committed to providing scientific and comprehensive solutions to maternal and child health. The mission of BINC China is to drive advocacy around science and stimulate innovation.

Supporting research

Researchers from renowned institutes from across China presented important scientific advances in breastmilk research, infant microbiome, immune system maturation and HMOs as the next frontier in China. The event also showcased work supported by BINC in the past years on osteopontin, lactoferrin and probiotics as lead ingredients in today’s infant nutrition.

New Scientific Advisory Board Members for BINC China

Our new Scientific Advisory Board members Prof. Zhixu Wang, Prof. Ruifu Yang and Prof. Meihua Piao were inaugurated by our H&H Group CTO, Dr. Hanno Cappon and Dr. Erin Liu 刘斐童 The event concluded with the announcement of the winners of the 2023 Research Partnership grants. Huge thank you to Dr. Erin Liu 刘斐童 , Will Hu and our H&H Research Team for organizing such successful event.